OMG!!! Thank you for all of the love and encouragement. I think I might aim to try to finish (or get as close to it as possible) during NaNoWriMo.
OMG!!! Thank you for all of the love and encouragement. I think I might aim to try to finish (or get as close to it as possible) during NaNoWriMo.
In all honesty, this is part of the reason I am stalling on writing a novel. I am in serious fear I will never be able to sell it as general fiction once they figure out that I am, 1) a female, and 2) Black. Even though the novel I have half written could apply to anyone, it will be genre marketed to death, if it is…
How in the name of all that is holy, does he make both a beautiful man AND woman? What sorcery is this? That boy ain’t right...
I think that is OUTSTANDING! Women could have been doing this years ago, if given the chance. All this is about is survival tactics, and all people have some level of them, regardless of gender. This oughta be pretty interesting to see what the Army does with them.
Oh these young rappers! They have no idea how to throw down a classic beef diss record. How can ever forget any of the shots fired in these classic beefs?
THis was probably me overthinking, but I did an entire post about it:…
I know this wasn’t in the original stage play, and was only added for the movie, but I still sincerely hope that they keep it:
Would you, could you, in a box?
I have never seen a group hustle so hard to cover their collective asses as this group in Texas. This stinks to high heaven, and the American “law enforcement is ALWAYS right” is going to go along with every bit of bullshit they are fed because of course a woman stopped for the thinnest of reasons, that ended up dead…
It also doesn’t help that this particular actor’s taste seems to run toward the tiny side:…
I am glad you are so into this, but I have only read a few things and seem previews and interviews. The mother of a daughter side of me is basically on “NOPE!” All of the nopes. Every single nope you can think of.
I am not a man, for one. I am the single parent of a pre-adolescent daughter who would gladly go to jail behind some grown man having that kind of relationship with my underage daughter.
From what I’ve read, the movie paints the character as pitifully immature (he knows better, and realizes that he’s wrong, but doesn’t particularly care), which I’m really not comfortable with.
This was also true of the late 80’s when I was in high school. I knew of several girls that were in full on relationships with security guards at the high school I went to, and were proud of it.
Here’s the little bit that I know:
Perfect illustration is perfect. That is exactly right.
I have to admit: Velcoro going ham on that doctor DEFINITELY got my attention. As an actor, Colin Farrell works better with the gloves off, as it were.
While the kids and I were out at a local park waiting for the fireworks display on the Fourth of July, the DJ they had out there to keep us entertained in the meantime played this song. Every last kid jumped up and danced to this song. EVERY. LAST. KID. Including my two! I heard one of the adults marveling at these…