Music, specifically rock ’n’ roll, has lost another great. The legendary Fats Domino of New Orleans passed away …
Music, specifically rock ’n’ roll, has lost another great. The legendary Fats Domino of New Orleans passed away …
Updated Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2017, 11:04 a.m. EDT: A Cliffside Park, N.J., teacher who came under fire after being…
A Southfield, Mich., woman was left shaken and terrified after seeing a racist text message sent by a locksmith, who…
The NAACP issued an alert Tuesday warning black travelers to use caution if they decide to fly with American…
Ava DuVernay is black, y’all.
A Grambling State University student and another young man were shot and killed on the campus of the HBCU early…
Antwaun Jones is his own hero. The brave 12-year-old boy jumped out of a rapidly moving vehicle to escape a man who…
By now we all know about Michigan State Police Col. Kriste Kibbey Etue’s controversial Facebook post, in which she…
President Donald Trump has finally fulfilled a promise made months ago to the grieving family of a fallen American…
Photos circulating that allegedly show Virginia high school students throwing up the Nazi salute, including one…
Police are investigating claims that a Des Plaines, Ill., man made threats on Facebook to lynch Rep. Frederica…
A group of Utah high school students were disciplined after video of them shouting and giggling while saying, “Fuck…
Two West Town, Chicago, moms are taking a stand after receiving a racist anonymous letter that targeted their black…
Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) stood by Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Fla.) on Sunday, saying that Wilson was right to call…
Ohio State University is being targeted by a lawsuit after refusing to rent space on campus for white supremacist…
I’m a wannabe yogi. I’m working on myself as a human being, and yoga calls to me more than anything else ever has. I…
An 86-year-old unarmed black man, who also suffers from dementia, was attacked by a white police officer who…
The black protester who was caught on viral video hugging a squirming and uncomfortable neo-Nazi outside white…
It’s been about a month since a 10-year-old black student was called a slave during a Civil War dress-up day at his…
Well, if you wanted evidence as to how little this country values black lives, look no further than Tulsa, Okla.,…