It’s the Tuesday after a long weekend, and some idiots apparently decided to use their time to hang a black doll by…
It’s the Tuesday after a long weekend, and some idiots apparently decided to use their time to hang a black doll by…
Cleveland Police Officer Timothy Loehmann, who fatally shot and killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice, was fired Tuesday,…
In November, a long-awaited study about whether the San Diego Police Department engaged in racial profiling was…
The trial of St. Anthony, Minn., Police Officer Jeronimo Yanez, who fatally shot and killed Philando Castile during…
A Texas teen celebrating his high school graduation was shot and killed early Sunday morning just hours after…
Dorothy Edge, a 65-year-old retired nanny from Brooklyn, N.Y., thought she was helping out with a good deed.…
Police say “disturbing” surveillance footage at a Baltimore day care center shows an 8-month-old girl being…
Twenty-five-year-old Marchelle Tigner has been a victim, and she refuses to be a victim ever again.
Snitches get stitches, fam. But it seems like the idiot who is trying to get black Chicagoans to report suspected…
On Thursday, Kalief Browder Way was unveiled. An intersection in New York City’s Bronx borough was renamed in honor…
Some people got it and some people don’t. Seventeen-year-old Jahmir Smith has got it: talented both in academics and…
Well, I think I’ve seen it all after trying to wrap my head around this one. The San Diego Unified School District…
It seems as if a few Texas teachers need to go back to school to learn that a joke is supposed to be funny. However,…
A New York City substitute teacher who was fired after ripping a hijab off the head of an 8-year-old Muslim girl has…
There are lots of things university students can do to occupy their time. The workload alone is one thing; then…
I’m no expert in the penal system, particularly as it applies to law enforcement, but something tells me that if…
A controversial video that started circulating on social media Sunday shows at least three San Antonio police…
Mississippi is being hit with a lawsuit—accused of violating the federal law that allowed the state to rejoin the…
The deplorables stay wilding. It’s like they can’t contain their racist little selves. This time, a white woman is…
A Mississippi man was arrested and is facing felony child abuse charges after being accused of intentionally locking…