I pretty much make this face every time either of them make an appearance. I miss the Obama’s very much.
I pretty much make this face every time either of them make an appearance. I miss the Obama’s very much.
Found another.
That video is a veritable goldmine for ‘Black people reaction’ animated GIFS....
These two guys, just so over it. So resigned. There’s just so much sadness, disgust, anger, frustration, and confusion in their expressions.
SAVED thanks for this.
An appropriate question in a college sociology class: “what myths did that KKK hold onto that led to their formation and perpetuation as a group?”
Certainly. It’s terrible enough that a child has been assaulted for exercising his rights but it would be even worse if, as I imagine, the teaching consultant simply projected his own feelings and assumptions about NFL protests onto this innocent boy when, if it is a religious objection, a few moment’s discussion…
Iont truss it. I’ll keep a bottle in my trunk just in case I run into her.
I’ve often wondered where I can send her an Edible Arrangement, bottle of wine Hennessy, a massage GC, or maybe a sledgehammer because I’m not writing this mess and sometimes I have to walk away.
Rise and shiv.
I also remember Serena “accidentally” announcing her pregnancy on Sheradopa’s birthday. I’m glad Serena Jr. following the family tradition taking away attention from her, considering how much shit she was talking about her mama in that book.
Still better than Little Caesar’s.
Hey Texas Cosplayers now is your chance to do something awesome. Throw on that Iron Man costume that took you 5 years to build and go make some kids happy!
1. No. No I’m not crying over Spider-Man making kids smile.
Keep ‘em, jerk. We’ve got Kam Franklin to make us feel better.
“Amiott, the report noted, had been cited for everything from pistol-whipping a driver with a handgun (like, seriously?), mishandling evidence, losing his temper in front of his commanding officer and being involved in two crashes in police vehicles.”
Fox5 appears to have missed it as well. Either that, or they were deliberately trying to avoid using the name of the magazine, or maybe it was just text lifted from the police report to be descriptive. Let’s be honest - there was such a flood of Trump-as-KKK-Member magazine covers in the last month, it’s hard to keep…