Breanna Edwards
News Editor at The Root, animation nerd, soca junkie, yogi

Like I said, she’s generally correct. Most of the issue lies in the fact that she was called out on the Color Purple and didn’t even acknowledge it. How hard is it to be “You’re right, of course, but we need more films like that celebrating all the stories that have yet to be told.”

in all fairness it could have been an ad lib moment. That being said, when she was called out about The Color Purple, it could have gone a million different ways but unfortunately...ya know

good question. I’m honestly stumped.

I wasn’t gonna say it but...you know that’s right. The fact that she felt comfortable enough telling these cops she’s doing research on Kleptomania....smh

pretty much. they def learned their lesson with that.

Right. It’s like, how hard do you have to try to be this racist?

I am honestly not sure what I would do if someone genuinely looks at me and tells me to get down on my fours. Like, you are definitely right. That’s not the sort of random thought that comes bursting out of your mouth. That’s a practiced line of belief.

Look at my bae, doing the things she does best

Ha. That was a (now-fixed) typo. I too needed my coffee. And p.m. stands for post meridiem, which is latin for after noon.

Man, spitting is the type of thing that inspires a kinda black-out, can’t-remember-what-you-did rage.

I mean, objectively speaking, who wouldn’t risk it all for Rihanna?

*cackles* you wrong for this, Hachi

Haven’t heard of anything on my end, but the moment I see anything, I’ll let you guys know!

updated it. Give the story about 5 mins to catch itself

Foster is. I fixed the caption. Sorry about the confusion.