I have no idea who’s going to win the NBA Finals. I don’t even know if part 3 of the Warriors-vs.-Cavaliers trilogy…
I have no idea who’s going to win the NBA Finals. I don’t even know if part 3 of the Warriors-vs.-Cavaliers trilogy…
I have steadfastly avoided most “Trump voter” treatises in the news and the constant rush to check on his approval…
Black folks are, by and large, understanding when it’s time to get that paper. Whether it’s Barack Obama getting…
Tired of punching at the sky, yelling at the television and unfriending folks from high school because of politics?…
When Netflix announced that it would release a TV series based on the 2014 film Dear White People, a lot of white…
The most iconic photo of the Ferguson, Mo., protests, if not the entire Black Lives Matter movement, is of Edward…
I get it; Americans are busy. We have a crumbling infrastructure, a president who wants to take us to war with…
“You know that’s just a Klan rally without the hoods, right?”
One of President Donald Trump’s most egregious lies during campaign 2016 was that he would build a wall protecting…
Way back in 2004, some brilliant promoter came up with the idea of the Best of Both Worlds tour featuring Jay Z and…
There are many subtle, and not so subtle, ways to let somebody know, “You can stay here, but I don’t really want you…
If you are part of the Resistance to Trump, the Georgia 6th Congressional District’s special election Tuesday has…
All James Bond villains are alike. They’re almost always some 50-something smarmy white guy who has some weird…
I got a lot of conflicting messages about winning and losing as a kid. I remember hearing, “It’s not how you win or…
This is why we can’t have nice things. Not because they are taken from us. Or hidden from us. Or placed behind a…
Nature shows us many examples of “natural enemies” in the wild. Mongooses will take on poisonous snakes without a…
Brutal. Shameful. Embarrassing. America hasn’t seen a politician take an L this bad since Papa Pope read Fitz. In…
Spare the Kids: Why Whupping Children Won’t Save Black America is one of those necessary African-American reads,…
The movie Get Out will make you re-evaluate your life choices: whom you date, what kinds of dinner invitations from…