You can critique Biden’s answers without trying to make Bernie’s sound better. And even Biden’s answer is critiqued in the post, if you were actually paying attention
You can critique Biden’s answers without trying to make Bernie’s sound better. And even Biden’s answer is critiqued in the post, if you were actually paying attention
Yeah, some people like showing up and just getting angry without actually reading the article. And this guy, who starts with a concern trolling piece about being “nice to cops” is the quintessential example of that kind of rage machine response. It’s amazing how rude people will be in a message board in ways they…
Just want to point something out. This is typical of a certain kind of Bernie Sanders supporter. You come in breathing fire, attacking the integrity and motivation of anybody who you don’t agree with (All of this “Johnson has his money and his healthcare” as if somehow that impugns my or anybody else’s political…
It's a weekly ranking buddy, done by committee, it's not an endorsement or critique of any candidate
So lemme get this straight, because you’re not black you’re an ‘unbiased observer’ ? #Gotcha
It’s a full committee vote, so nobody can be ‘bought’ off to any candidate’s advantage
Yes, it has always been interesting to me what media outlets Bernie Sander’s staff will raise a ruckus about. Slate literally ran a story entitled “Did Bernie Sanders have a Heart Attack?” within hours of his surgery announcement and a full two days before his campaign admitted to it. Yet...They don’t have that kinda…
The committee is a secret because many of them are political insiders and we want them to feel free to express their opinions without any consequences. Also, it rotates every week, so the demographics change. The only thing that stays they same is they’re all black !
Oh I know - I used "Avengers" as a general term for the films because I didn't want the non comic audience to get too confused eith minutia
It was totally unnecessary too. How hard is it to say “Yes, federally mandated busing is a good idea” and stick with it? *Sigh*
How would you rank the top 10 ?
Hmmmm you’re taking a Disney flick very personally aren’t you? It’s a pretty simple situation - I’m asking that Disney treat black princesses the way they great every other princess. Why is that so controversial? If you bothered to look at what I’ve read before shouting, you’d see I’m pretty consistent about this kind…
This is just... Painful and ridiculous and has nothing to do with Disney
LOL exactly, like she thinks it’s some zero sum game where wanting black families to be treated the same way white families are in Disney films is somehow ‘taking something away’ from a black woman....
Black Panther is a Marvel action movie where T’challa’s relationship with Nakia was maybe the 3rd major plotline. Plus, my main point was Disney princesses and live action shows aimed at kids
In a movie about a black princess? Yeah, little black boys are looking at that too. Plus, kids watch Disney movies. This isn’t that complicated
You’re projecting. Whatever issues you have with these problematic brothers out there shouldn’t be placed on me because trust me, I don’t make that point at all in the piece. But I’ll save you some trouble.
How is pointing out Disney’s long standing and racist treatment of black princesses taking away from anybody’s “Win”? Remember this is the same Disney that had to be chastized into not portraying princess Tiana as a frizzy haired light skinned white washed fantasy in Ralph Breaks the internet just last fall.
RGIII wasn’t running for office. In fact by the time he was getting hell for his wife he wasn’t running much at all....