Danielle Young
Pretty. Witty. Girly. Worldly. One who likes to party, but comes home early. I got stories to tell. Prince (yes, that Prince) called me excellence. Achievement unlocked.

John — back away from the computer! Seriously, if you feel so strongly about it what’s your name? Danielle bravely used hers. In what capacity were you there? Obviously another woman there felt the same way, so it’s not beyond the possibility that this man acted inappropriately. We’ve all been there. Instead of caping

As a guy, I just want to say that this is tough. I want to be clear that the guys who did this stuff was wrong, but men are left in a Catch-22. I’m sure I will be eviscerated, but here goes the reasoning.

Not really. Mom, sister, daughter...they’re different. They’re real women, not whores like other women.

My entire empire’s backbone is led by 2 of the strongest people I know and they happen to be women, my mother and sister.

The chorus to “Don’t look any further” was one of the best impromptu sing-alongs I’ve ever been a part of. To have every Black person belt out:

Thank you so much for your courageous journalism. Also:

Same. When the Root came to Kinja, I chucked up my deuces like peace out yall you are on your own and I parked my ass right at the feet of that green square with a big R in it. It is the perfect mix of investigative journalism, topical issues, snark, culture, wit and intelligence.

He also attended the Wendy school of Tear a Fellow Sister Down, in NJ near Shore Ditches Mall.

What time? I could use some entertainment as I further procrastinate.

Sure, I got nothing else going on tonight.