Ps. Thanks for the story, keep you mind right.
Ps. Thanks for the story, keep you mind right.
Check this - I had a huge bout of stress which manifested in heart palpitations. The doctor could find no heart issues (ECG, X-rays etc). I chilled and got well BUT my health insurance now won’t cover any emerging heart conditions. Even though it was completely psychosomatic!
Internet hugs for you, if you’d like them! I get the eye twitch, headaches, stomachaches and somehow, anxiety-induced arthritis. When you type for a living and your typing fingers hurt with every movement it’s not a good time. I’m really glad you don’t still get all of those.
Like most women, my body weight fluctuates according to the season. 10 or 30 pounds, I have the same reaction as you. “OMG! I’m beautiful!”. And we’re both right...we are!
Truly needed this article. A great event for an exceptional organization. I must say Miss Danielle you are GORGEOUS!
It’s Pulitzer time, The Root! Get after it.
This is a really tiny quibble but jazz and orchestral music were popular music for a long time; they’re just not popular now. This, however, doesn’t change at all that the Pulitzer people are hidebound as hell when it comes to current popular tastes (see also Fiction, where exactly one science fiction novel has won…
“he’s also the first performer of “popular” music to receive it” Depending on how you define ‘popular’ music Bob Dylan received a Pulitzer albeit not for music. Which also begs the question, how does a genre devoid of instruments or the ability to read music earn a Pulitzer for music? Anybody can rhyme, Underdog…
They are sooooo purty...thus concludes my moment of shallow.
what an incredible story. mental illness is so real. major depressive disorder here! it makes me sad that so many people are still in so much pain.
I tried to avoid reading this article, because...reasons. I’m glad that I did. In a weird way I feel like I made a new friend who showed me that things will be okay. Thanks.
Thank you so much for writing this. You don’t even know how good and helpful this is. (Please know.) Thank you.
First of all, The Black Snob is how I found you. So thank you for taking that step, especially in the midst of your pain. And for sharing your struggle with mental health (and love for TJ Holmes aka The Prince of West Memphis) on there.
Thanks for sharing. It’s very difficult to realize that you’re having problems and more difficult still to find and receive appropriate and effective treatment. Sending prayers and good wishes your way for your continued success. Your taking the time to share your experiences is very much appreciated.
Thank You for this series, preemptively. Mental Health in the Black community is a serious concern that carries with it many long-standing stigmas and prejudices. Too many of us are told that we just need to Pray on it, or we’re faking, or we’re just crazy or ‘born evil’.
The more black people - especially a respected…
So glad you’re feeling better and managing well. Please continue to tell these stories - it’s so important for people to realize just how common mental illness is!
This was amazing! I came across on twitter. The person who used it was being very distasteful about a particular part in the story, so I decided to check it out for myself and I am stunned!!! I would love to see more of her character and Albert! Maybe a chapter book because this was AMAZING. I felt every feeling with…
Hello! What you described about your car accident would be called exposure therapy, which was once prescribed but can be very re-traumatizing. Have you heard of somatic experiencing? It’s a way to really get to the core of the trauma and release it. Kind of amazing, I’ve been doing it recently and I’ve had miraculous…