Hello! I love VSB and would like to be un-greyed to comment on the new VSB sub-blog.
Hello! I love VSB and would like to be un-greyed to comment on the new VSB sub-blog.
I agree, EXCEPT…
This has made me realize my own racist moment when viewing the movie. I was disappointed to see who they cast as Flash because it wasn’t as much fun for me to hate the guy when he wasn’t the iconic white frat boy jerk I hated so much growing up.
This is a good take.
It gets better, his nickname is Flash. His real name is Eugene.
Because the DCEU announced as soon as Man of Steel was released 3 movies starring people of color and one starring a woman compared to the MCU’s 15 movies without a woman or a person of color as the star. AND THEN the MCU pushed back two movies starring a PoC and a woman in order to make more room for two movies…
You know what. I think this is an argument about two different things based on peoples’ connection to the film.
This. I’m not going to say there wouldn’t have still been FF purists complaining about the race switching, but I personally cared a lot more about changing Sue’s character like that, purely because they wanted a black actor to play her brother.
The whole clamoring about how spider man should have been morales, for me seems more like nerdy elitism than a race thing....like “peter parker? Uh actually he’s miles morales now
Agree completely with Danielle’s take. i also think there’s a white character in the movie whose role reveals just how different the depth of diversity in SM:HC is compared the kinds of movies Jason is criticizing...
I love this. I think the POC argument needs to always be handled in a way that is blatant and honest, without being so aggressively in your face with hashtags and rallies. Begining to portray the world as it ACTUALLY looks, without all the neon labels to identify token characters, is a step in the right direction, and…
Pretty much agree with everything here, but I stand behind the assertion that the world can totally handle a Miles Morales movie without losing their shit. People act like audiences will have problems understanding why Spidey is a black kid all of a sudden, and therefore the movie will fail.
Depending on how closely they follow the IG/IW storyline, post-IW is the perfect time to reboot the entire universe. I mean, it’s basically what Marvel did.
I thought it worked well. Not perfect, but well and much better than other attempts that fall flat. Ned had his moments and they weren’t all for comic relief.
Agree 500%.
God forbid a movie depicts New York as it really is. I love the cast bar the choice for Flash, that is the only one that feels forced. Find me a brown guy named Flash Thompson.
Now if we can get a review from you about the whole movie from the root, I would be happy. Spoilers and nonspoilers. Or from all the root authors/bloggers other than Johnson that would be great. Even better a io9 vs theroot review of spiderman.
I legitimately wish Fox hadn’t pulled a copout with Sue Storm and just cast a woman of color. I hated that they needed to have her be adopted, just so they could keep her white. That was a big red flag for me, right from the start.