Danielle C. Belton
Editor-in-Chief of The Root. Nerd. AKA "The Black Snob."

Wow, this basically sums up my feelings. Never seen anyone sum them up so accurately.

She is the cat’s meow!

She lost by 10,000 votes in MI, 22,000 in WI and 44,000 in PA.

I’ve been annoyed with the Sanders love fest since the election.

I’m a bit sick of stuff like this. For the record, I’m to the left of Sanders and don’t agree with him on everything but he’s still done much better things than many Dems in Congress. Why no shut up Cory Booker, who recently sold out one of the few bills that could’ve given us more affordable drugs because he was

But of course. :-(

In terms of the base, she both didn’t turn out the black base as much, and she lost a big part of the white working class swing voters (that used to be base but no longer) that voted for Obama. So I think they are both legitimate things to talk about. The problem for me with focusing so much on swing voters is that

I was hoping this could be a Bernie-free zone (and fuck you, I was here yesterday!).

Exactly. Her campaign saw the polls, got arrogant, and decided to swing for the bleachers trying to get a grand slam instead of doing what was best to secure the one winning run they needed. And they completely fucking struck out.

Every single poll forecast had her steamrolling him in the popular and electoral vote, and she was working on earning a mandate. (And if not for those 80k votes in voter-suppressed swing states, she would have had it with her popular vote lead.) How DARE she reach out to voters who aren’t usually reached by democratic

Yep. She spent more on ads in Texas and Nebraska than Wisconsin and Michigan.

But Clinton did objectively run a terrible campaign. It never should have been close enough for orange reality tv hitler to win. It should have been a landslide.