Danielle C. Belton
Editor-in-Chief of The Root. Nerd. AKA "The Black Snob."

Thank you for the feedback! I appreciate it!

I can only relate to the general stuff that makes you want to rant loudly about things whether people want to hear about them or not. I did not have these specific issues around race and whiteness lol

I totally forget about sunscreen at least once a year. I still don’t know what I was thinking in LA! I’m walking around two-toned now.

It is not as, say, polished in places as it could be. The facility is a little old. But that didn’t bother me at all and I thought the staff was pretty lovely.

So sorry! I don’t know the Philly area very well, so I can’t.

For most of the time it was only one woman, although occasionally someone would start to help out, then wander off. I kind of felt bad for her. I have a lot of hair. lol

Those two lines are unrelated. One is about the Deadspin awards and the “money” line is about Reginald F. Lewis’ Billion Dollar Deal. There a break and a photo separating them.

Thanks, I’m finally on the mend, but I may give it a shot!

Also, I listened to all 2 minutes and 9 seconds of that knowing I would never be able to get them back. I regret nothing. This was so funny I’m convinced it’s a joke. It just has to be.