Thank you for the feedback! I appreciate it!
Thank you for the feedback! I appreciate it!
Thank you!
I can only relate to the general stuff that makes you want to rant loudly about things whether people want to hear about them or not. I did not have these specific issues around race and whiteness lol
I totally forget about sunscreen at least once a year. I still don’t know what I was thinking in LA! I’m walking around two-toned now.
It is not as, say, polished in places as it could be. The facility is a little old. But that didn’t bother me at all and I thought the staff was pretty lovely.
I love this video! I die!
So sorry! I don’t know the Philly area very well, so I can’t.
For most of the time it was only one woman, although occasionally someone would start to help out, then wander off. I kind of felt bad for her. I have a lot of hair. lol
1. My mama.
Aw, thanks!
Hey Hachi!
Ah, OK. And thank you!
Those two lines are unrelated. One is about the Deadspin awards and the “money” line is about Reginald F. Lewis’ Billion Dollar Deal. There a break and a photo separating them.
Thanks, I’m finally on the mend, but I may give it a shot!
Hey Leutisha! How are things?
Hey! I got it from Etsy, but I don’t know if they’re selling it anymore:
Also, I listened to all 2 minutes and 9 seconds of that knowing I would never be able to get them back. I regret nothing. This was so funny I’m convinced it’s a joke. It just has to be.