Danielle Butler
Danielle Butler is a 30ish yr old LA/Chicago hybrid whose mutant powers include shit talking, and relating any topic to food. She's currently lying about working on her book of short stories

an opp in regards to black radical politics...not the CRM of which he is described as a ‘significant figure’..its about his opposition to black radicalism that he deemed dangerous.

yeah no one called him an ‘opponent’ of civil rights lol wut and I don’t think liberation was Jackie’s goal so much as integration and successful assimilation. There’s a difference between not aligning with black radical politics, using your visibility to repudiate them and then endorsing a man who had a hand in

Holy Hyperbole Batman. I think there’s a vast ocean of choice between being Killmonger and testifying in court against a black activist (and staunch supporter of yours) implicating him as a communist and belittling his brilliance in an effort to assuage the discomfort of white people. Especially considering the fate

Yes, I think claiming Aziz’s career is near destroyed, he’s the victim of revenge porn, men are being criminalized, the MeToo movement is now wayward, misrepresenting stats, and calling a whole generation of young women “weak” can be characterized as shrieking histrionics. And that’s a very restrained descriptor. tysm