There really isn't much I can say to describe the sublime horror captured on this video. Except perhaps that it's all…
The idea that overt and unambiguous racism is preferable to subtler forms of prejudice is not a terribly uncommon…
Earlier today, a GQ profile of superstar quarterback Cam Newton dropped. It's the type of story GQ has run thousands…
"We’ve kinda suspected it before, but President Obama genuinely gives no fucks at this point. He is fuck devoid.…
"Complicated" has become a convenient catch-all to describe romantic relationships that seem to defy explanation. So…
10. Taking pictures
I don't remember exactly which day last week Funkmaster Flex became a top trending topic. I do remember, however,…
By now, I'm sure you've seen or at least heard about the footage of the TODAY Show's makeover from Hell, where a…
The two most prominent stories on my collective (Facebook and Twitter) timelines yesterday involved the death of a…
Look at that juicy, plump, and delectable fried chicken breast. Filled with white meat, delicious skin, and…
Is that a Darth Becky t-shirt you're wearing?
For as long as I've been aware of American politics and the differences — real and perceived — between our two major…
Perhaps, if you're inclined to do so, you could argue that it's Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby's fault…
The first watch party I attended was in D.C. in 2013. I was in town for a screening of our pilot and subsequent Q&A…
In the months leading up to the birth of my daughter, I was filled with anxiety. Which apparently is normal and…
I live in a two story loft that sits above a coffee shop on one of Pittsburgh's busy intersections. It also exists…