SheaMoisture is a beauty brand whose hair and skin products are very popular with black women. Even if you’d never…
SheaMoisture is a beauty brand whose hair and skin products are very popular with black women. Even if you’d never…
Mickey, the 13-year-old Pit Bull/Labrador mix that lives with us and totally, absolutely, definitely never helped me…
Bill O'Reilly, a racist and rapey vat of lukewarm hot dog water fused into chicken feed and repurposed as embalming…
If you think it's totally fucked up that Serena Williams would announce her pregnancy on the same day Maria…
Other relatively recent additions to the list of "Things I Didn't Know I Needed Until I Had Or Experienced Them And…
Considering the considerable stigmas still attached to mental health—how we talk about it, how we treat it, how we…
1. Because I'm one of the hosts, and I want to see y'all niggas. And I want to recoup the money I put up to rent the…
Do the people who voted for and still support Donald Trump — a man who, to his credit, seems to be doing exactly…
Although Black skin and student loans they'll never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever pay off ensure that Bougie Black…
Currently, my 16-month-old daughter's single favorite thing to do is watch Elmo's World. And say Elmo in…
"Punk rock" entered our lexicon a couple decades ago as an adjective attached to things with no obvious connection…
Interestingly enough, the most annoying byproduct of the reign of Darth Cheeto and the gaggle of sycophantic Nazi…
In the first installment of the "White People Must Be Stopped" series, Dolezal, the Goddess of Post-Racial Fuckshit,…
The face Harpers Ferry National Historical Park superintendent Tyrone Brandyburg made yesterday when presented a…
This is (obviously) a rhetorical question. It's impossible to answer. And as long as bloggers and reporters and…
Out of the hundreds of perplexing and entertaining responses I received when writing about Dave Chappelle on VSB last…
I've been blessed with many talents.
Bill O'Reilly apparently thinks Maxine Waters looks like James Brown. Here are some things I think Bill O'Reilly…
They say that the best way to make God laugh is to tell Him your plans. I generally agree with this; the universe…