We have a few years worth of proof that Barack Obama is leasing prime real estate in Donald Trump's Cheeto-adjacent…
We have a few years worth of proof that Barack Obama is leasing prime real estate in Donald Trump's Cheeto-adjacent…
You might remember geographically incorrect Africa medallion soaked in Thunderbird with sentience Dr. Umar Johnson…
Look, I don't know what's going to be the result of all of this. Does the Darth Cheeto get impeached or, at the very…
Invariably, as the controversy over Bill Maher's house nigga continues to persist, a peripheral conversation about…
This is haircut and hoop day for me, so this is going to be quick.
It feels counter-intuitive to muster much sympathy for a man who has literally made millions of dollars in his…
It's apropos that Lebron James, the greatest basketball player of the 21st century, has made (and will continue to…
Attributed to Benjamin Franklin, "in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes" is one of…
Thug has become such a ubiquitous dog whistle for a certain type of uncomfortable Blackness — and by "certain type…
The 100,000 word first draft of my book is due in September. (I'm currently a little over 60k.) Writing the book has…
There's so much to like about the idea of LaVar Ball that at times it feels like he was created in a Likable Nigga…
After 18 months of fatherhood, I can pretty much say that it's been what I expected it to be so far. The Feminist…
While The Wife Person and I were sitting on our front stoop yesterday evening, a middle-aged White man on a scooter…
The only redeeming stretch in Batman v Superman — a movie so aggressively shitty that The Wife Person and I watch it…
In February of 2012, a month after I began working for EBONY.com, they asked if I wanted to go to Milwaukee to…
If this weren't a real thing that was really actually happening, the concept of a 90's style hip-hop fried chicken…
It took roughly a month at Sterrett Classical Academy for me to be known as the best basketball player there; an…
In the reality-adjacent, Baltimore-centered ecosystem of The Wire, “good police” stood as the single highest honor a…
In the reality-adjacent Baltimore-centered ecosystem of The Wire, "good police" stood as the single highest honor a…