Admittedly, when juxtaposed against the assemblage of 934-year-old white men who make up the Senate, Mark…
I grew up in a Christian household. Both of my parents were raised Baptist, and they raised me as one, but I…
We already know about nigga/nigger, but there are more!
1. Because “nigga” rhymes with a shitload of things, which comes in handy during freestyle rap cyphers at 3 a.m. at…
I’ve included references to East Liberty—a neighborhood in Pittsburgh’s East End—in pieces I’ve written for VSB,…
You know how, if you’re watching a game on TV and it happens to feature LeBron James or Tom Brady or someone else…
All things considered—and furiously knocking on the closest wood possible—I think I’m in pretty good shape for a man…
I do not know Vicki Momberg, the South African woman sentenced to three years in prison after her racist tirade…
If there’s a takeaway from the revelation of and the reaction to Fabolous’ abuse of Emily Bustamante, his longtime…
One of the great disappointments in my life—perhaps the greatest disappointment, really—is that black people in…
In 2005, Kanye West articulated the perceived inevitability of successful black men leaving black women for white…
Remember, like, two hours ago when I said that no one gives a shit about your dreams? Because dreams are so…
15. Your dreams (and not like your hopes and dreams and shit—people should care about those—but the dream you had…
If you’re as big a fan of True Romance as I am—and consider it, as I do, the quintessential Tony Scott film—perhaps…
Because as Luvvie articulated a few weeks ago, it is the global mantra of professional time wasters.
I know, I know, I know, I know. Joe Biden is everyone’s cool and tough septuagenarian home slice. And while I’m not…
So I’m going to say something. And you can fight me if you want to. But even if you do want to fight—and I’d rather…
Of course, this is a question that has been asked (and answered) myriad times already—particularly when another…