The first time I saw Kobe Bryant play live was at the McDonald’s All-American Basketball Game in 1996. The game was…
The first time I saw Kobe Bryant play live was at the McDonald’s All-American Basketball Game in 1996. The game was…
There comes a point in every full-throated internet or in-person defense of Tyler Perry when the arguments begin to…
Any list of the pleasant surprises from the months of book-related touring, talks, events, and appearances in 2019…
Firstly, I hate each and every one of you. Secondly, I’m not even sure if “firstly” is a word—it felt awkward in my…
As a washed black dad myself, I’m well-versed in all things washed black dad. I wouldn’t quite call myself a maven…
I forget sometimes that Donald Trump is president.
1. When I was done making my purchase yesterday—a Wilton Icing Writing Black Pen and three Sterilite Clearview Latch…
I was tempted to begin this by saying I’m ashamed to admit that I haven’t been paying much attention to the…
The most telling revelation from the now-concluded spectacular first season of Watchmen came directly after its…
So this premise is already operating at a deficit: If born, I guess, you deserve the ability to continue living, and…
A now-viral image of five chicken wings—each in a different state of completion—has lit the internet on fire,…
1. As a kid, what music did you listen to?
I think I have some thoughts today about Patrick Patterson, the NBA player who implied that black women are…
What do the Loch Ness Monster, Santa Claus, hot Travis Scott verses, and “cancel culture” have in common? They don’t…
While thinking about the nebulous “workout” the NFL recently offered to Colin Kaepernick, I’m reminded of...He’s…
(Disclaimer: If you’re physically impaired in some capacity and need to stand as soon as the plane lands, please…
1. Cross-country road trips, where they drive to different states just to hunt and eat other rich people.
The pathologically un-rewatchable Joker has become the highest-grossing R-rated movie in history, surpassing Deadpool…