Last week, The Wife Person and I had a "we're not arguing, but we're not completely good" four day stretch that…
Everyone knows that if you were to happen to encounter a random pack of Bougie Black People in the wild — perhaps at…
You may have noticed that VSB underwent some changes over the weekend. Some tweaks have been made to the layout,…
Three thoughts going through my head while watching and reading about Maryland State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby's…
Setting: Some office, somewhere, with office shit and shit everywhere.
At times like these, when the uncomfortable behavior of (mostly) Black people is broadcast to a (mostly) White…
It is not difficult to witness what's happening in Baltimore, Maryland right now and immediately think of Ferguson,…
I attended a wedding last Friday. It was a great event. Good food, a live band, a great DJ, and it featured a…
This weekend, Floyd Mayweather will fight Manny Pacquiao in what will be the most highly-anticipated boxing match I…
Last weekend, Pittsburgh tricked us into thinking winter was over by giving us consecutive 70 degree days. This…
Everything that could have been said about Michael Eric Dyson's 170,000 word critique of Cornel West has likely…
When words like "best" or "worst" are incorporated in the titles of Things Written On The Internet, it's often more…
1. It's not terribly uncommon for the type of people who'd even be interested in reading Michael Eric Dyson's…
Tomorrow marks the beginning of the NBA playoffs. This, the two month span between mid-April and mid-June, is my…
I was in New York City for two days last week. I was also there for a couple days in February, 36 hours or so in…
If you frequent literally any popular blog/digital magazine — including this one — you're indirectly contributing to…
It follows the same script every time.
"while the word female is appropriate under certain contexts, beware of the cat who uses it as his universal…