1. Harriet Tubman. Marcus Garvey. Nina Simone. And Jesus. Together. On Juneteenth. The first Juneteenth. Playing…
1. Harriet Tubman. Marcus Garvey. Nina Simone. And Jesus. Together. On Juneteenth. The first Juneteenth. Playing…
So, you know how people who are casual fans of rap music might occasionally admit they don't actually listen to the…
While channel-surfing the other day, I came across Gone Girl on HBO. It had been on for maybe an hour already, but I…
From Rachel Dolezal to Colonel Sanders, American history is filled with examples of White Americans adopting and…
It's unfortunate that President Obama's use of "nigger" became the biggest story from his recent interview with Marc…
To give you an idea of how bizarre America's relationship with race is, consider the following:
The privilege of being allowed to exist on Earth — and the experiences, the enlightenments, and the beauties…
The Golden State Warriors are the new NBA champions; a perfect end to a historic season where they won 67 games (the…
Rachel Dolezal's appearance on The Today Show this morning — and her admission that she identifies as Black —…
When I first saw these engagement photos of friend of VSB (and awesome writer) Brandelyn Castine and her fiancee —…
Thoughts about the post-racial Imitation of Life.
Earlier this week, Baron Davis made an appearance on First Take and introduced us all to a new hairstyle. It's been…
1. It's far too early to make any concrete declarations about victors or losers in this series. Mainly because…
A wise man once told me "You can teach stupid. But dumb is a talent." Ok, I lied. It wasn't actually a wise man. It…
As I wrote a couple weeks ago, The Wife Person and I are expecting. A child. An actual human baby. An actual human…
Like many of you, I've spent much of today watching and talking about the disturbing video of the police officers…
There are two things you need to know about A$AP Rocky and I before we continue:
Tonight, the Golden State Warriors will host the Cleveland Cavaliers for the first game of what should be a very…
1. The 34-year-old John Amos when he was cast in Good Times as the husband of the then 193-year-old Esther Rolle