"Make America Great Again!" has been an unquestionably effective, shrewd, and admittedly genius campaign strategy…
"Make America Great Again!" has been an unquestionably effective, shrewd, and admittedly genius campaign strategy…
Months ago, our sources were able to find multiple leaked email conversations between celebrities such as Drake,…
Twitter screenshot via @ObamaWhiteHouse
Bougie Black People are always doing things. In college, while the rest of their classmates were doing things like "l…
February is the month designated to be Black History Month. It is also the shortest month of the calendar year. This…
Last week, I had a conversation with someone about whether it would be worse for your parents or your children to…
So, let's get three things out of the way first:
For many good and obvious reasons, Michael Jordan is considered the gold standard for contemporary athletes. His…
In 2014, Surrey NanoSystems, a tech company in England, debuted VantaBlack — a substance they claim is the Blackest…
Last weekend, 37-year-old Bruce Kelley Jr and his father were drinking alcohol in a gazebo on the busway in…
Recently, the Wife Person and I have started attending a new church. Actually, "started attending" is a misnomer.…
It's not terribly uncommon for me to write and/or publish a piece that deals with race — whether its a satirical…
Wednesday afternoon at approximately 2pm EST, Kanye West, fueled by his unfathomably and ridiculously awkward "beef"…
Earlier today, B.o.B. submitted a first-ballot entry into the Hotep Hall-of-Fame with a diss track directed towards…
It's been a particularly strong last few days for Blackest Thing of the week contenders. Perhaps the East Coast…
I did not know Janese Talton-Jackson on a personal level. There's a chance I might have seen her before. And a…
Human Burning Man tipped-over Port-a-Potty Daniel Holtzclaw will spend the rest of his life — plus approximately 200…