Damon Young
Damon Young is a founder of VSB, and the author of What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Blacker (Ecco/HarperCollins), which won the 2020 Thurber Prize for American Humor

They did ask about party identification, and that section was well covered by news outlets. My issue with using party identification as a substitute for talking about race is that black or Latinx is *not* synonymous with “Democrat”—but you wouldn’t know that based on the vast majority of political coverage.

Objection. White shoes are worth it if you don’t mind detailing every now and then. They’re to be donned like a classic car, they’re not your daily driver. For the soles, a Brillo pad, hot water, and Palmolive, or for the deep dirt on the soles or on the other parts of the shoes, you can actually use white-out, for

Richie Incognito looks like he was in a sports movie 20 years ago as a kid and has reunited with his castmates for a photoshoot for People Magazine.