Wow, he really doesn’t look well at all.
Wow, he really doesn’t look well at all.
Are you kidding? That’s a Canadian tuxedo as I’m pretty sure I double-denim’d that day.
I think the best Spicy Facts moment was his first press conference when he walked out and just blatantly lied about the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd. I knew then that he was going to be special.
You’re right, the Ford Escort didn’t deserve that.
You’re right, the Ford Escort didn’t deserve that.
Spice Cube!!!!
Lol. Ivanka bothers me almost as much as President Asshat and I don’t know why either. She doesn’t seem to bother anything, but her presence just grates my nerves. No one voted for her and she’s straddling the line of being a business owner yet sitting in meetings as the president’s daughter. just, uggghhh!
yea, you’re right. I completely missed the point of watching a movie and ignoring the acting, script, storyline and direction.
oops! thanks for head’s up.
I also didn’t see Brett Favre bawling before the game. Not saying that he wasn’t hurting but I think some players are built for this and some aren’t. I think the work of the coach is to shield the player. Sometimes you fall on the sword for them, and if they want back in you let them and say that. But saying, “hey man…
take the decision off the table and let him argue his way back if that what he really wants, but leaving it on his shoulders to choose between his team and his grief feels selfish and we can agree to disagree. Not saying he couldn’t play or that he couldn’t play shellshocked, but I don’t know if he was in a space to…
I see it like a coach throwing in the towel when a fighter can’t go any longer. Sometimes, in times of tragedy, we need people to step in. and you’re right seeing Thomas cry didn’t make me uncomfortable, watching him cry and then try to push himself to play did.
Had they taken that decision away from him and Thomas fought to play in the game you might have a point, but that isn’t what happened. His coach left the decision up to him forcing Thomas to decide between grieving for his sister and believing he might be letting down fans and his teammates.
umm, what was the tone-deaf part? The part where I say that the organization should’ve have stepped in and allowed him to grieve without the public watching. Yea, that’s pretty tone deaf.
obviously you didn’t read anything I wrote. Let’s go back and try again.
nice work!
this just made me LOL. nice work!
I couldn’t have said this better myself.
TrumPutin’s America.