Bassey Ikpi
American-Nigerian, ex-poet, current writer, constant mental health advocate (The Siwe Project and No Shame Day), underachieving overachiever and memoir procrastinator (Harper Perennial 2019).

Whew. “Are you taking any medications?” always gets me. Especially when I’m at the dentist or some other place that doesn’t really need to know that much about my medical history. It always catches me at the oddest times, especially if, like I mentioned above, I’m not “presenting” well and feel sloppy and out of

Hello everyone,
Thank you so much for your comments and interest in my work. Just to be very clear, because this is important to me, I am NOT ashamed of needing medication or my disorder. I started #NoShameDay five years ago to help people release the shame and stigma that comes with mental health.