Though many Abrams supporters have made clear that they would like to see her in another 2020 bid—as a potential presidential candidate—Abrams seems to be focusing on her state.
Though many Abrams supporters have made clear that they would like to see her in another 2020 bid—as a potential presidential candidate—Abrams seems to be focusing on her state.
I so appreciate this—and you, Anne. As a fellow staff member, I always feel that those on our Root crew who report on the news daily have the most difficult tasks, because the devastation is so real, and often unrecognized. The unwavering grace, humanity, integrity, honesty and even humor you all demonstrate heartens…
“The answer cannot be ‘do nothing.’”
when confronted with a similar scenario, what do you want us to do? The answer cannot be ‘do nothing.’
When confronted with a similar scenario you deescalate the situation and don’t treat people like sitting on the floor is equivalent to a crime. Trying to pull a child out of a mother’s arms is not deescalation.
It’s always been Quavonce, Offsetty Rowland, and Leftoffbadandboujelle Williams.
If you give a one year old a box they think it’s a party. Themed parties for babies/toddlers are for parents who are reliving their childhood through their kid.
My brain still can’t process his passing. He was younger than I am and had so many years left of giving still in him.
I watched that video about 20 times and the beer was coordinated. It all came at once so someone planned it.
The irony of a school that is named after Robert E Lee to memorialize that traitorous, racist scumbag banning kids from memorializing their family and friends is too damn much.
Thanks for not putting “Diddy’s Ex/Baby mother” in the headline.
Before the page finished loading, I thought, wouldn’t it be funny if this was my hometown. Well, what do you know? Reading, MA was and still is incredibly racist. I was so miserable growing up there that many times, I considered killing myself. I still have the occasional nightmare about being a kid again and being…
Wow. I taught college classes for 20 years, and it never once occurred to me that I might call the campus police to handle an issue with a student. And an issue of perceived respect? Please. In large lecture rooms, sometimes you can’t prevent students in the back from whispering or even talking to each other. Phone or…
Yes, he was perceived as being as establishment Democrat. What Elugardo, and people like Ayanna Pressley-who also beat out a long-time Boston establishment Democrat-are calling for isn’t about getting party support for their campaigns. Its about getting better representation for the people of those communities. The…
Right, because marginalized groups should remain marginalized and no one should ever take the party to task for not living up to the ideals it preaches.
What the Times fails to mention is that Deutsche Bank’s real estate capital unit was run by one Justin Kennedy, son of recently retired and allowed to hand-pick his own successor Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.
I got an email today telling me my pre-ordered copy (I ordered it in February!) is on its way AND I have tickets to her show (reading? Talk?). Take my coins, Michelle!
She lives in my neighborhood and I’ve met her a few times at the local restaurants. Really proud to be part of this. She a rock star.