Anne Branigin
Staff writer, The Root.

A quick review of the their website tells me that the women pictured are the dentists! I can only assume that they collectively decided that this was an awesome idea after slamming rose and eating appetizers at the local Bonefish.

LMAO! I heard it in tune “This is the remix eviction booted fresh out tha kitchen” “Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce.”

The good: I like boy brow and cloud paint a lot. They are both unique, easy-to-use products that make me look polished. I am currently using Milky Jelly Cleanser and I have to say I rather like it. It smells nice and feels good on my skin. I also love their perfume.
The bad (or rather, meh): A lot of beauty vloggers

Neutrogena Hydro Boost is a great line. I use their gel moisturizer at night, and their gel with spf 15during the day. My skin is so moist and dewy!

Anyone have any thoughts about the brands Hydropeptide or DermaMD?

I used to be a child abuse investigator. A hokey story like that, blaming a 2 year old for those injuries would not only not be believed, but create a very bad attitude in the investigators/cops/ prosecutor - everybody. Better not to have an explanation at all than a bogus one blaming a child obviously too young to do

Can anyone back up Glossier? I’m very much a less is more kind of make up gal for everyday, and the ads in the BART station are making it very appealing to purchase. I am open to other suggestions for brands that are in a similar vein!

Just a minor correction to the article (and Buzzfeed).

Florida has Romeo and Juliet statutes. A person over the age of 16 can consent to have sex with someone so long as the person is under the age of 24, but older than 16.

Doesn’t apply in R. Kelly’s case, but just thought I’d clarify.

But the worker and Kiddiegarden’s owner, Haben Ghebremichael, say that a 2-year-old girl was responsible for the 1-year-old boy’s injuries.

If I could only take one thing to a desert island, ladies and gents:



What makes you want to miss the point so badly? The issue is that Trump bleats and brays endlessly about drug gangs, as long as they’re brown, but says absolutely nothing if one of his White Power brethren is dealing drugs. If Obama had gone on obsessively about brown-skinned drug dealers this might not be such a

‘aunt coulter’

What’s Uncle Tom for white women was my favorite part.

Perhaps it isn’t surprising that toxic masculinity—evidenced in horrific reports of men killing women for the crime of saying “no” to them—is linked to problems that the right doesn’t really regard as problems: among them, gun violence, white power ideology and the abusing women.

NORRISTOWN, Pennsylvania—It was never just Bill Cosby. Long before reporters covered with sweep and scope how people

That’s also not how their school system works. Schools get to set admission requirements, so the 25% that used to be virtually assured of getting into the best schools will now bump down the students who used to get into the very good schools, and so on.