Anne Branigin
Staff writer, The Root.

There are gradations to mental illness just as there are gradations to hate and racism, and the two are in no way exclusive. One can have behavioral problems and still be legally and ethically responsible for your actions.

I’m beyond sick of people scape goating people with mental illnesses. I’m Bipolar. I’m not sitting here meditating on purging the world of white supremacists and going out in style by murdering people’s wives, husbands, lovers, friends and children. And fuck the comment about there needing to be a law banning guns

Charged by the FBI, eh? I hope Nebraska has charged him with something as well, so that Klan asshole in the White House can’t pardon him.

On topic: this is wonderful.


Tiff needs her own in-theater stand up movie ala Pryor and Murphy.

If this track is any indication, BP going to have the smoothest superhero soundtrack, ever.

It sounds like a track that would have been on the back half of GKMC. I like it. It’s simple and it will most likely fit a narrative motif within the movie

They have since started a gofundme to help with the issue. Thank u for putting a spotlight on this gross neglect of Baltimore City children who are trying to do their best under impossible odds

My mom is a school nurse in PG county and they haven’t had heat for the last few days. It’s absolutely miserable and these are elementary aged kids. Some as young as four. Parents have been calling the board of education but they haven’t cancelled. It’s not like the poor things aren’t standing outside freezing for a

The pipes are bursting because the fucking heat isn’t on. In January. In a deep freeze. Wanna bet the Superintendent of Baltimore City Public Schools still got their paycheck?

like free meals and after-school care.

 Read that this morning and was as disgusted as I was unsurprised. Her agent and her attorneys need to do better for her. They didn’t even try.

I watched the Bird Revelation and it was... different. Had some funny spots but wasn’t nearly as tight as he is capable of.

I’m generally not overly offended by shit comics stay as they are basically being paid to be eventually line-steppers. We allow them to try and find the humor in horrible things. So, a lot of the controversial shit he says gets a “Wow, that’s fucked up” from me. It might even include a nervous laugh. Like, I’m not

Former Saks employee here, and at least in my location, a black person with a credit card is the single most scrutinized thing that goes on in that store. I’d get calls from LP making sure I hold both the card and ID to where the camera can see so they can verify the card themselves.

We aren’t. But we are tired of the same stupid ass stereotypes, like being lumped in with Drag Queens or basically described as “surprise dick”. Get some real fucking material and we might actually laugh.
We also ask that they be aware of how their jokes influence other people and society as a whole. Because society in

I really think that if you take his four specials from the past year and take, just, a brutal edit to them, you leave with the best comedy special ever made. That said, Dave clearly doesn’t do that anymore. The Bird Revelation is BARELY a standup special. It mostly comes off as the extended ramblings of a bitter and