Anne Branigin
Staff writer, The Root.

The Troy mall where this happened is on Big Beaver Road and is dead center middle of the richest/whitest/most racist part of Michigan. I’m surprised they didn’t profile her in the parking lot.

I drive a Tesla, and I have experienced so many racists moments with strangers. I have been asked the following:

I’ve taken about 10-15 flights a year and never had my seat bumped ever, even checking in late, but then I always switch up airlines and don’t bother with mile hoarding. That’s because I grew up in an era where you had to run through a gauntlet of red tape and blackouts to redeem miles so it never seemed worthwhile.

White people do this shit all the time. It doesn’t stop with race relations either or even fiction.

This article game me goosebumps and I shared it on Facebook and Twitter. Anne Branigin eloquently and eerily describes the evil that is seen on a daily basis and how it is dismissed. For me, Megyn Kelly’s racism on FoxNews and how cruelly she treated Trayvon Martin’s family upsets me. Now, Megyn Kelly reinvented

In my opinion, Rose is actually the most evil of everyone in her family and the Red Templars. Why? Because she engages in RELATIONSHIPS with these men (and at least one woman): she becomes part of their lives, pets their dogs and cats, becomes friends with their friends, tells them she loves them and makes them

I like to think he saw Rose’s smile and realized she actually wanted him to do it, rather than either face a slow, agonizing death from bleeding out or getting saved at the price of having her family’s actions exposed, so he decided to leave her to it.

Just FYI, Armitage was the name of the protagonist in The Dunwich Horror, by the notoriously racist HP Lovecraft, in which the family scion turns into a monster and terrorizes the village. It’s one of the only Lovecraft stories in which the hero actually defeats the monster.

Well done. I see echoes of Allison Williams’ anecdote everywhere. The latest example is the results of the Alabama Senate race — white women on Jezebel were tripping over themselves to distance themselves from the fact that 63% of white women voted for the racist pedophile (Um, it wasn’t college-educated women! It’s

Apropos of nothing, didn’t Allison Williams do a great job as a total monster? As poor old Chris was throttling Rose at the end (I’m being serious here - watch the film and you’ll see why), I was willing him to make sure she was DEAD, because she was such a terrifyingly ruthless, relentless fiend.

Anne, I have to say that usually I love the depth and analysis of your writing, but this piece was just...there was something more personal to it for me that really resonated.


Hoooollllld up. Alexandria, maybe, but where the hell is a $1.75M house in fucking SPRINGFIELD? Whaaaaaaaaat?

So while this man, who was convicted as a minor on the sole basis of a bullshit, (probably coached) eyewitness identification—in spite of the three actual rapists’ testimony to the contrary—somewhere out there Brock Turner is a free man and appealing his meager conviction.

Im from north philly, and Saudi definitely is a light in the community! And her food is AMAZING too..its good to see her get some light for the great things she does!


A very poor sad man’s Paul Rudd.....

It’s not a false accusation, it’s a mistaken identification. This is what happens in most cases of men wrongly convicted of rape. A rape occurred; it’s just that they got the wrong person.

It is so unfortunate that you cannot see the point of this piece. The issue here is that black women experience binary discrimination; therefore leaving them with two battles to fight. White woman only have one battle and are often indifferent to the racial struggles black women face. Also, black women are often

I don’t think this counts as a false accusation. She was, in fact, brutalized/traumatized by multiple men. She wasn’t sure how many men were there and this poor man got caught in the dragnet. I’ve said this before, once the police have decided you’ve done something, you’ve done it unless you have solid proof you