Anne Branigin
Staff writer, The Root.

WHEW GIRL. Live footage of me reading the Anna Holmes blurb:

Nah nah—he’s been a devout GOPrick for the past 30 years.

At the end of the day, my forgiveness doesn’t matter. I think I can start there. And, not to be pedantic, but it’s important that we parse out what exactly is meant by “forgiveness.”

That being said, I’d imagine it would still have to be a work request? And it still should have raised the hell out of some eyebrows.

I learn so much from Kinja I sweaterGod.

My short answer/take (which many other commenters have either said or alluded to) is that it comes down to power and leverage.

You zeroed in one of the more important points to make—and one that’s often missed. Colleges don’t make admissions offers on merit, and they never have (how could they when so many excluded on the basis of race and gender for much of their histories?).

Not sure that I follow your logic here, or maybe I glossed over what should have been unpacked a bit further.

Thank you for catching that! It’s been updated.

Yes, I almost missed it too because it’s buried in the article. The description is actually a bit cringeworthy, but this is the same TV station that found a psychologist to say being “transracial” and converting to a new religion is the same thing so.....

I’m dead at rice crackers and Pocky

Hi, Team #Intrigued here:

Exactly. I was also scanning my post like, “where the hell did I even mention Hillary?” Or even say Sanders was the inferior candidate, for that matter?

From the annals of Lee Fang, I submit some of his greatest hits:

Eat some ass, Josh. It probably won’t make you live longer, but at least you won’t be online.

Sir, well before you ever read a single word of mine, I walked through fields where unexploded ordinances still go off and kill innocent Laotians—decades after they were dropped during the Vietnam war. I’ve seen the effects of Agent Orange up close and personal. I have vets as friends and have spoken at length to them

I hate this picture because the first thing I think about is that headline asking if 45 is thicc.