As I’ve noted over and over, I don’t know what I’ll find when I go to a Green Book location. Thousands of miles, a…
As I’ve noted over and over, I don’t know what I’ll find when I go to a Green Book location. Thousands of miles, a…
The A.G. Gaston Motel is an important landmark in the civil rights movement and was designated by President Barack…
#TheRootTrip is a series of long, two- to three-hour drives on the highway as I desperately try to get to small…
You can’t visit Jackson, Miss., a surprisingly progressive city in a very conservative state, without checking out…
It was onward to Jackson, Miss., and my first Green Book stop was at the former Shepherds Kitchenette at 604 North…
I know these black men. I’ve known them all of my life. That was my first thought after I’d walked down the darkened…
Nothing against Starbucks because Lord knows that over the years, I’ve spent a mortgage payment on venti iced chai…
The next spot on my 1957 Green Book list was the Will Steward Hotel. I wasn’t able to find anything about Will…
As I rolled into Shreveport, La., my first Green Book location was simply noted in the guidebook as the intersection…
Guess what, guys? I found another black-owned gas station! Swift Fast Food & Gas at 801 W. Kearney St. in Mesquite,…
Have you ever walked into a black business and immediately felt the authentic passion of the owners? How they hold a…
I’m a simple man. If there are oxtails within reach, then I’m going to eat said oxtails. See? Not complicated. So…
You can’t expect to find every address from the 1957 Negro Travelers’ Green Book intact. Sixty years’ worth of city…
This is the Evans Tourist Home in Fort Worth, Texas, listed in the 1957 Negro Travelers’ Green Book. I wasn’t able…
Whooo!! I’d never been to 99 percent of the Green Book neighborhoods prior to this trip, but I knew where 1839 Fort…
As in most cities during the 1950s, white flight was in full flower in Dallas as discriminatory redlining by banks…
Until the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, most hotels and motels actively discriminated against blacks. And…
Just a 10-minute jog to the Mexican border sits what was listed in the 1957 Negro Travelers’ Green Book as the A.…
I asked folks, “Which black businesses should I check out in Phoenix?” and universally people said, “Lo-Lo’s Chicken…
The dilapidated neighborhood sits in the dark shadow of downtown Phoenix, an American shantytown that time forgot.…