We should be friends. I like your style.
Good luck on the build, and Go Bears!
I am all about this project, thanks for writing it up! Can’t wait to see this move along. I love Corvairs.
Why the hell do people buy old-ass cars from the 1960s? They cost too much, for one thing. They’re unreliable to…
You mean like teaching them about all the good things the person whom this bridge was named after did instead of only focusing on the bad things?
I regret not attending an HBCU.
While everyone is grabbing the popcorn for the Blac Chyna-Rob Kardashian beef, the real donnybrook was happening Mond…
Willie Wardell owns the Mighty Midget Mart Shell gas station, located at 4936 Albemarle Road in Charlotte, N.C., and…
I wanna make this clear: Iwi Fresh Garden Day Spa at 341 Nelson St. SW in Atlanta is one of the best black-owned…
You are what’s wrong with the whole post. You’re spending too much time trying to engage to prove there is a racist intent. Find another post that requests more like minded individuals. Great job LR!!! We’ve enjoyed the trip vicariously!
Yeah, so lemme tell you about my trip to Greenville, S.C. My task was to find the Dr. Gibbs Tourist Home, located at…
Ok, found her in the actual census! Scottie Sutton was born at 312 Auburn, lived there, was head of household, and owned a cafe! She’s at line 72. https://1940census.archives.gov/search/?search.result_type=image&search.state=GA&search.county=Fulton+County&search.city=Atlanta&search.street=Auburn+Av&search.cross_street=…
Ignorant, Uneducated and Uninformed white folks will always be... Ignorant, Uneducated and Uninformed white folks. Way to ruin what was a perfectly wonderful story with all of the vile Ignorance and Bigotry that has been spewed in these replies. I, for one, and ready to take on the task of creating ANOTHER Negro…
We got these punks handled. Good luck and safe travels on your trip!
White Australian here, and very interested to see where this trip takes you. Unimpressed by some of the comments made here. Love to see this kind of content on Jalopnik/Kinja.
White guy here!! I’m envious as hell, and I wish you a great trip and I look forward to what you discover. I know you’re not going through Indiana (unless I misunderstood) but you’ve definitely got a place in Lafayette if you want it!
Bravo! Not just about cars and the drive - about the people and history too.
This will be wonderful! I wish you safe travels! I’m way too far north to be able to meet you, but I’m excited to follow the action! ✊🏾
You know how this goes. You’re chilling, waiting for the bread and circuses that are the start of the NFL season,…