Lawrence Ross

And John Roberts’ statement was fallacious then, and it’s fallacious now. Not only that, it was naive. The Green Book may have ended because public accommodations were now accessible to all, but it has nothing to do with the damage that systemic racism still has on our society and the African American community.

Well, if you understood the concept of racism, you’d know that wasn’t the goal or purpose.

But...fortunately, no one asked you. So we did the series anyway.

If you go back to the start, I talk about that fact that I pick the places by random, and that I don’t know what I’ll find until I get there. After I visit, that’s when I do the research about who owned the place, and if there’s anything significant. So sometimes I got an empty field, other times, Louis Jordan’s home

Just the ownership. To everyone, it’s just a regular hotel.

Your logic is unimpeachable.

Hahhaha! Nah...I’m serious about my dominoes. Remember, I DO keep packs in my car...

Glad to have you along for the trip!

Nah. You’re just here to manifest your powerlessness by trolling. Hey, do you. It doesn’t take that much to flag you...or ignore ya. But then, you’re left with being you 24/7. I think we’ve got the glad job while you’re stuck with the sad job.

Like for REAL REAL. It was delicious.

Unless you’re in a cult...then that nudity just might be what the doctor ordered. lol

Thanks so much. Individual actions are fantastic, but we always must realize that even during Jim Crow segregation, there were kind, wonderful people of all races, even as the systemic racism existed. So today, as we hope to create the world where racial barriers don’t exist, we must always go beyond our individual

You never know what you’ll get.

So that was your purpose for today? To post a stat about crime in a positive series about the black community? Did you kick some kitchens on the way to your computer? Here’s to you finding a better purpose. To waking up thinking that you can be a positive force and not a negative one.

Sure you do. And I believe it. Your posts pretty much demonstrate the expertise of your research. Hat tip to you.

Then you’ve successfully found out that we don’t live in a post-racial society. Great job.