I can see how that would be the case. It doesn’t necessarily make me laugh out loud. But I do love the characters.
I can see how that would be the case. It doesn’t necessarily make me laugh out loud. But I do love the characters.
I have a TON of stories. Ah, the good old days.
I agree. Tough to tackle. But 100% agree.
The kiss is hell. HELL. Why is Uncle Joe kissing me? Like. WHY?
i feel like a lot of kids would say yes, even though they didn’t want to. I know 7 year old Aliya would.
Ab-so-lutely. I think my kid picked up on something from my friends dad. I hate to think that. And maybe he’s not super-predator. Or a predator at all.But she felt something wrong. And she’s 9. She knows what’s up.
Because we *have* to hug them as newborn/babies/toddler and it’s hard to break the habit.
I don’t think it’s overboard at all to extend it to yourself. I’ve often pulled my daughter in for a hug when she was tired/grumpy/angry as away of placating her. I think we should look at that as well.
They haven’t appeared here. But on my Facebook page? Yeah.
SO HEAVY. I was too young to push back. But I vividly remember having tears streaming down my face while reading something out of Before The Mayflower. I was 10. Sure, some can say well, too bad. This is life! Other kids have to see that stuff all the time! But I did NOT live in a war-torn region. I lived in a quiet…
Maybe I’m just old. But I’m starting to think everything should be a documentary.