Alexander Hardy
Alexander Hardy is a wordsmith, mental health advocate, dancer, lupus survivor, and co-host of The Extraordinary Negroes podcast. Alexander does not believe in snow or Delaware.

And I am having stuffed salmon, roasted brussel sprouts, and mashed red potatoes for lunch.

I can now only tolerate them when blended in a juicer with other less terrible things.

They’ve found my email inbox. Good times.

Haven’t we helped enough? *points to the entire country*

The way I just howled on this train. That works, too.

thank you kindly. *curtsies*

super hella ultra muy lazy.

Right. Which conversation are you starting, boo-boo?

This would require a mass suspension of disbelief, as slaves, athletes and activists are all we're good for on screen, it would appear.

he took that cap right off.