Ultra-conservative writer and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza ignited a Twitter firestorm Tuesday when he referred to President Obama as "Grown-Up Trayvon," Politico reports.
"I am thankful this week when I remember that America is big enough and great enough to survive Grown-Up Trayvon in the White House!" D’Souza tweeted.
After Twitter called his remarks "vile" and "disgusting," the author of The Roots of Obama's Rage went back to his Twitter account and tweeted: "Feigned outrage on the left over me calling Obama 'grown up Trayvon' except that Obama likened himself to Trayvon!"
Trayvon Martin was shot and killed in 2012 by then-neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman. Trayvon was unarmed, and many people believe that he was racially profiled. President Obama spoke about the tragedy that had gained national attention, saying, "You know, when Trayvon Martin was first shot, I said that this could have been my son. Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago."
Read more at Politico.