Austin, Texas, Official Who Organized a Sexist Lecture on Women in Government Resigns

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When more women than men were elected to the Austin, Texas, City Council this year, Anthony Snipes, a city official, decided to organize a training session for council members on how to deal with women in local government, the Associated Press reports.

Jonathan Allen, the consultant Snipes hired, dished out recommendations on how to handle the many questions female government officials ask and their avoidance of financial issues, according to the report.

The sexist lecture took place in March. On Monday, Snipes resigned as assistant city manager. He had been placed on leave earlier this month after an investigation was launched into the lecture's controversial remarks.


Councilwoman Sheri Gallo said she was shocked by the lecture organized by Snipes and countered the claims that Allen put forth. "Effective leaders ask questions. Then they evaluate and listen to the answers and develop real solutions based on the answers they received," Gallo said.


Another councilwoman, Kathie Tovo, pointed to the other women on the council as leaders in the community. "The group standing before you have legal and doctoral degrees … training in psychology and the medical fields … expertise in finance and real estate. We have served in legislative halls, written treatises, fought fires and taught in universities, and we draw on this training and expertise every day to do the job that our constituents elected us to do—and we do our job well," Tovo said.


Read more at CBS News.