Hey nieces and nephews! Can you believe we are just two weeks away from Christmas? Three weeks away from the new year? What the hell is time and what the fuck is happening here? The year 2020 has been on one, literally and figuratively, and we have been coasting along with it, trying not to drown or catch the Rona. The holidays snuck up on us, and with Thanksgiving in the rearview mirror, we are looking forward to Christmas and all that it brings. Except what all will it bring? In my state of California, we are on a fresh new stay-at-home order, and gatherings are being strongly advised against. They want everyone to stay in their houses and help prevent the spread of COVID-19 from getting any worse than it already is. So with so much going on, how can we find a way to create some holiday cheer in the midst of all the drama happening around us? Niecy Nash has some suggestions. She recently sat down with me to tell me how she, her new wife Jessica Betts and their entire family have found ways to make the holidays joyful despite the dismal lack of cheer this year is trying to drag along with it. She shares her secrets on how to have fun, be joyful and spread love this holiday season. We also had a moment to dish about Claws and other things she has going on this year. How are y’all creating joy for yourselves this holiday season? As always, I want to hear from you. If you have questions, comments, or concerns; if you need advice, or if you have a topic you think I should discuss, please hit me up at AuntieSubmissions@theroot.com, and I’ll see y’all next week!