Who is your favorite auntie? What kind of advice did she give you? What lessons did you learn from her? This week, my guest is the ultimate Auntie, Bevy Smith. With her new book, Bevelations: Lessons from a Mutha, Auntie, Bestie, Bevy is leaning into all the roles she has picked up along the way during her 54 years on this earth, and she is here to share all that knowledge with all of us—because that’s what aunties are for. “It gets greater later,” she told me, reaffirming my stance that we get to live our best lives after the age of 40. To prove that for herself, she has just jumped into the world of acting, something she is very excited and proud about. As she ticked off the list of accomplishments she has garnered after the age of 40, I could not help but be inspired. It’s never too late to do anything she agreed. That is both an affirmation and a mantra, my sisters. Never let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do. Check out the video and let me know what you think. As always, I want to hear from you. If you have questions, comments, concerns; if you need advice, or if you have a topic you think auntie should discuss, please hit me up at AuntieSubmissions@TheRoot.com. See y’all next time!