How many of you got beatings when you were younger? How many of you are still trying to heal from them? How many of you are still trying to heal from your childhood period? Last week, Lauryn Hill’s daughter Selah posted a two-hour video on Instagram where she discussed her upbringing. She talked about her relationship with both of her parents, the struggles she witnessed her mother having, the impact those struggles had on her and her siblings, and the way her mother’s trauma manifested in the way she parented. She discussed wanting to heal from the trauma of it all, and that resonated deeply with me, because don’t we all want to heal from our childhood trauma? I was so moved by it, I wrote a thread on Twitter discussing it. The thread ended up going viral, and so many people reached out to tell me that they were moved and inspired by it, I wanted to bring the topic here and discuss it with you as well. We all have pain. We all have trauma. We all want to be healthy, happy, and whole. It is not an easy journey, and it can take some time to get there, but trust me when I tell you: We can get there. I talk about my own healing journey and what works for me. Hopefully this will resonate with you as well and hit those who need it. As always, I want to hear from you. I receive many emails, DMs and messages from you each week, and you all are a lot of the inspiration for this series. If you have a question, comments, or concerns, if you need advice or even if you just have a topic you think I should discuss, please hit me up at