Every single day, I encounter people who project their unresolved trauma out on everyone else each time they open their mouths. It’s something I am hyper aware of with myself. I work hard to be aware of the words I use and how I speak to others. It costs absolutely nothing to be kind and graceful in our speech. When we encounter people who are unnecessarily flippant, rude or snarky, it is because they have unresolved trauma and it manifests itself that way. Truly happy people don’t do this because kindness is a manifestation of happiness, and happiness radiates and is present in everything the happy person does. This week, we discuss conscious communication. How intentional are you with your words and actions when dealing with other people? Are you taking your personal trauma out on other people? Do you feel good after you do it? Conscious communication means speaking with intention and choosing your words carefully. It is the difference between “responding” and “reacting” in a situation. Which do you think is more effective? As always, I want to hear from you, nieces and nephews. If you have questions, comments, or concerns, if you need advice, or if you have a topic you think I should discuss, please hit me up at AuntieSubmissions@theroot.com.