If you wonder why white people are so adamantly against accurate history being taught, Michael Harriot and I have the answer for you. White fragility. That’s it. That’s the answer. When Michael sat down with Auntie Unfiltered to discuss the Critical Race Theory debate that has been created by white conservatives, we both noted that it is a knee-jerk reaction and a last-ditch effort to protect whiteness. Now, to reiterate a point we have made time and time again, whiteness in this case does not refer to white people, but rather the whiteness that insulates them, protects them and uplifts them above all others. As I have previously stated, even if you are a white person who has never done or said a “racist” thing in your life, if you remain silent and don’t speak up or speak out against systemic, institutionalized and all the other forms of racism, then you are complicit. Period. That complicity is a nagging thing for some white people. They don’t want to own up to it, and they don’t want to be called out on it. Even more than that, they don’t want their children to become aware of it because children are young and impressionable, and they have their own thoughts about the world. Can you imagine what would happen if they found out mommy, daddy, grandma and grandpa simply stood silent while they watched great injustices happen to their colored friends? White people can, and that is exactly what they are afraid of. And this is one of the greater problems with whiteness. No one wants to give up their comfort zone—most especially white people. They are in a position where things come easier to them because of whiteness. Who would want that to go away? Watch the video and let me know your thoughts. As always, I want to hear from you. If you have questions, comments, concerns; if you need advice, or if you have a topic you think Auntie Unfiltered should discuss, please hit me up at AuntieSubmissions@TheRoot.com.