It’s become in vogue to bash the president.
Don’t get it twisted; he’s deserving of all the hate coming his way, but it’s not really bold to say that the president is an idiot or a Russian operative or that he’s got a thing for Russian prostitute urine, now. It was a bit more taboo, then.
But let’s be clear about this: from the time that he declared that he was running for president to the time that he stole the election, there has been one woman who has been on his neck before it was cool: Auntie Maxine Waters.
The California congresswoman saw him for who he is on day one and she had no problem calling him out, so if her recent series of tweets bashing the president’s masturbatory press conferences was your first taste of an Auntie Maxine verbal-ass-whooping, then you haven’t been paying attention.
On Monday, America’s favorite congressional auntie called the president a “failure,” noted that he “mishandled” the response to the coronavirus and said that he needs to stop congratulating himself with his bitch ass.*
*Auntie Maxine didn’t call the president “bitch ass,” but I feel like “bitch ass” was implied.
“You’re not knowledgeable & you don’t know more than experts & generals. Your ignorance & incompetence are appalling & you continue to demonstrate that every time you open your mouth!” she said, CBS News reports.
Waters also called out Trump for dismantling the National Security Council unit tasked with preparing for a pandemic.
“Trump, since you destroyed the WH unit designed to plan for pandemics like #COVID19, you need to stop being duplicitous about the DPA & get more corps to develop masks, respirators, & everything needed to protect hospital workers trying to save lives. Get your act together!” she tweeted.
Auntie Maxine was referring to the Defense Production Act “to procure more personal protective equipment for frontline workers,” CBS News reports.
The president has not only mishandled the response to a global pandemic; he’s mishandled everything in his life. He’s a mishandler. He’s Edward Scissorhands trying to dribble a basketball.
Democrats have urged the president to use his authority under the “Defense Production Act to boost production of masks, ventilators, respirators and other supplies.” The president claims it isn’t necessary because the private sector has stepped in to help voluntarily. Meanwhile, hospital workers continue to share photos on social media showing how they’ve had to become creative to protect themselves.
And if you’re thinking that Trump did enact the DPA last week, well, you’re right. He used it to get General Motors to make ventilators to stick it to the car manufacturers after he thought they tried to upcharge him.
Hey, but let’s not forget what’s really important here: Trump believed he was No. 1 on Facebook and bragged about it during a press conference on Wednesday.
From Hollywood Life:
“Did you know I was number one on Facebook? I just found out I’m number one on Facebook,” Donald proudly boasted at a press conference on Wednesday, April 1. “I thought that was very nice. For whatever it means, it represents something,” he continued, answering a question about his earlier tweets threatening Iran. While he didn’t clarify exactly how he is number one, fans were quick to point out that President Barack Obama actually has 55 million likes on his page compared to Trump’s 25 million.
Glad to know that the president has his eye on the ball.