Hello Beautiful reports that Phaedra Parks, of The Real Housewives of Atlanta fame, is pitching three new reality shows. That's not a shocker –- her personality is definitely made for T.V.
A little more surprising is that she's also writing a book. On etiquette.
Parks (who's perhaps better known for not knowing her baby's due date, her marriage to an ex-con, and her off-the-wall comments and facial expressions than she is for her manners) explains, "It's about being a Southern belle and all the accoutrements that go with it. It's a modern-day twist on etiquette and being a lady. And it's all right for women to embrace their ladylike side. It's high time that women start enjoying being ladies again. People have moved away from that."
Like Phaedra, the book is sure to be entertaining. But when it comes to actual guidance on how to behave when you're not being followed by a reality-television camera crew, we advise against tossing out Emily Post or Harriette Cole and replacing them with Parks' advice just yet.
Read more at Hello Beautiful.
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