At Morehouse, Giving Better than Receiving: Student Shooter to get Degree

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At Morehouse, to Give Better than Receiving: Student Shooter to get Degree, Victim Will Not

A Morehouse student who shot another student is on his way to receiving his degree while his victim has left the campus only three bullets richer according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Joshua Brandon Norris is catching a wrist slap for a beef outside an Atlanta nightclub in 2007. It appears in the case that neither the prosecutor nor sitting judge wanted to send the young man to jail despite thw police report, witnesses and events that call into question Norris' character with regard to the night in question. While this is certainly a Fulton County matter, a note to Morehouse: THIS is not a good way to get Obama to open the purse strings.

Black Women Mostly Contract AIDS/HIV Through Heterosexual Intercourse

The Seattle Medium reports that it is mainly heterosexual activity—and not homosexual interactions— that leads to Black women contracting HIV and making up the 61% of all women who contract the virus. Much of that statistic is attributed to gross misinformation, lack of protection and (of course) the 'down low' phenomenon which not only truly explains how the infection spreads but also allows a good deal more finger-pointing to take place.


Obama Mania: There's a Danger in Loving Somebody Too Much…

Because, as Clutch Magazine deftly notes, you can look beyond tacky. Listen friends, we know you're psyched about November 4th. We know. And we appreciate your desire to display that enthusiasm via t-shirt, hat, pin, etcetera but: tattoos are permanent, Chia heads toe the racist line and celebratory hair/styling sets us back most of the ground we struggled to cover from the day we got here to 11.04.08. Just saying.
