Andre from Patterson, NJ asks:
What are the worst mistake guys make on Social Media?
Taking selfies. There is nothing masculine about a man alone in a bathroom trying to find his best light.
Natasha from Brooklyn, NY asks:
My boyfriend talked me into a threesome. I'd never been with a girl before and I was scared at first but it ended up being fun. Now I've suggested we do it again and he's feeling some type of way. Should I press the issue?
Remember when you used to be able to masturbate using just your imagination and your hand? Then you discovered Pornhub. And you never used your imagination again.
That's how all sex works. You can't walk things back. You can't fuck on the first date and then only want to hold hands on the second. There's a reason why girls treasure the make-out period. Because once you start having sex he'll never ever want to make-out again simply for the sake of making out. You make-out out, you fucking. It is what it is.
I know guys who can't orgasm from a hand job. Or even a blowjob. Those days are far behind them.
I know of guys who can't get it up just for pussy anymore. Those guys are gay.
I know girls that once they experience sex without a condom…they can't ever enjoy sex any other way again. The drive is so powerful they'd rather play the STD lottery than have mediocre latex loving.
“You can’t walk strange (sex) back.”
—Anthony Weiner
This fundamental sex rule is the reason I'll never have anal. What if he loves it and I hate it and now for him everything else we do pales in comparison? What if my vagina becomes a thing he's just settling for—in the act with a full pout on his face, acting like he’s doing me a favor? No ma’am.
So, on the one hand I blame your boyfriend. He should've known better. And he shouldn't have opened a door he wasn't prepared to keep open.
On the other hand though, I get why he's feeling some type of way. Honey, you're bi-sexual. Surprise! And based on the way you phrased your question…I'm guessing you didn't think to put a label on all that fun. But at some point during the act, your bi-sexuality was made very obvious to your boyfriend. Clearly, you two girls didn't spend all of your time focusing on him, like they do in the movies. And now he's dealing with how he feels about it. Maybe there's some level of insecurity there, especially since you're so eager to do it again.
Listen, this would be devastating news if this was a serious relationship but it isn't. Any relationship where you're game to introduce other players in the bedroom is already a wash. (Also, he's an idiot for not knowing what was what the moment he was able to "talk" you into doing it. No straight girl could be talked into messing around with another woman. And no girl that was in love could be talked into sharing. The same is true for men too.) So, I say press the issue. Either he can come along for your journey of discovery or he can stay on the sidelines and wish you the best of luck.
But if he does choose to stick around, be a dear and give him fair warning about the savagery he's about to be witness to. Like a newly turned vampire.
Regina from Birmingham, Alabama asks:
I’m going to NYC for the first time in my life next month. What should I do when I get there?
What you shouldn’t do is walk around the city with your mouth open, especially in the train station, because you’ll walk past the wrong person and that bum smell will slide down your throat and make your eyes water. That’ll ruin your whole damn day.
And while you’re in the train station, don’t give out your phone number to any “talent scouts.” No, your old ass did not just get discovered. That’s a fake agent but it’ll be a real porno.
And when the train pulls up, DON’T GET ON THE EMPTY TRAINCAR. No, everyone else isn’t just stupidly crowding into one car when there’s a perfectly free car right next to it.
Fine, go ahead and get in the empty car.
If you do give to the homeless, don’t glare self-righteously at the rest of us. We don’t care. We don’t care. We don’t care. We've been listening to the same dude trying to scrounge up $90 for a bus ticket to go work on his poor family's farm in Montana for a decade. He's never going to Montana. He's from Poughkeepsie.
And when Marty walks on the train and says, "My name is Marty, I'm homeless and I'm hungry." Don't offer him food. You will get spit on and it's going to land in your open mouth because you didn't heed the first tip.
If you’ve decided to skip the train altogether, remember to only take the yellow cabs. Don’t take any black livery aka gypsy cabs because it doesn’t cost $60 to go uptown but you won’t know that.
If you’re going to skip public transportation altogether, that’s fine but don’t cross the street just because the people in front of you are crossing the street. Pay attention.
And while you’re on the street, don’t say hello to people. It’s upsetting.
And I guess see the sights.
Lynette from Cincinnati, OH asks:
I hate my boyfriend’s friends—every last one of them. They’re immature, womanizing misogynists and he changes when he’s around them. I’m so tempted to give him an ultimatum to make him choose between us. Should I?
Okay first things first. Your boyfriend changes when he’s around you. When he’s around them, he’s being himself. And that’s your problem. You don’t like who he is. So why give ultimatums to people you don’t like? Imagine if you do, and he chooses you, my question becomes, who are you going to point the finger at when you no longer have his friends to blame for his bad behavior?