Are we stealing Africa's doctors? Slate's Michael Moran reports on what he calls the "giant sucking sound as the aging West's geriatric needs trump basic health care concerns in Africa."
Beyoncé lands animated-movie role: According to Deadline, she'll star as Queen Tara in Epic, a 3D CG-animated film described as "a battle deep in the forest between the forces of good and evil."
Black pastor reaches across Southern Baptist divide: The Rev. Fred Luter Jr. has long been a prominent African-American voice among a largely white denomination with a segregationist history. Now he is poised to become its first black president.
NAACP commends Wal-Mart for dropping ALEC: On Thursday the NAACP issued a statement in which it praised Wal-Mart for being the latest store in America to drop its membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council, a conservative advocacy organization. ALEC has come under fire lately for being a major backer of voter-ID laws that would disproportionately keep African Americans from the polls.
Republican voter-fraud fears: paranoid? It's a popular justification for new, restrictive voter-ID laws. But is it based in reality?