Though not much is known about the forthcoming second and third act of Beyoncé’s Renaissance era, fans may have just gotten a clue about what’s forthcoming.
Amid rumors of Twitter crashing and burning on Thursday night (that’s a whole nother story for a whole nother day), New York Times reporter Kyle Buchanan decided to go out with a bang in anticipation of that night being our last night on the app. The musical bomb he then proceeded to drop contained info about Renaissance Act II and III and what kind of projects we can expect to come from the Queen Bey in the near future.
“Before Twitter goes down, instead of making you follow me somewhere else, I’ll just tell you what I’ve heard about the other 2 acts of Beyoncé’s ‘Renaissance’ project. (2nd act is an acoustic album, 3rd act is a collaboration with Jay-Z), Buchanan wrote.
An ACOUSTIC and A JOINT ALBUM??? Bey, I mean this in the most polite way possible but MA’AM WHERE ARE THE RENAISSANCE ACT I VISUALS?? You let us go through the rest of the summer and through Halloween without seeing them and now we’re hearing rumbling of additional acts??? Bump those—respectfully! Their 2018 album, Everything Is Love, was a decent project and I do like a few songs, but I honestly am not sure I’m ready for the 2.0 version of that moving forward.
Also, woe to whoever let these details slip to Buchanan because I know good and doggone well that Bey and the good folks over at Parkwood run a tight ship and those NDAs are iron-clad. I really hope these are #alternativefacts and not really the case because if it is you might be hearing from somebody’s lawyers soon. I’m just saying!
Are you here for another BeyxJay joint album? Let us know why or why not in the comments?