Are Conservatives Prone to Porn?

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As the GOP crumbles here's another kick in the conservative knee:  porn addiction.  That's right, baby.  Republicans suffer from a psychosis of the libido.  In an interview with CNN Kiran Chetry pastor and author David Erik Jones confessed that conservatives struggle with their sexual nature due to social stigma and the lack of sexual outlet in their communities.  And guess what Jones says happens after that.  It sends them spiraling into online porn addiction.  You don't say!  In his book My Struggle, Your Struggle Pastor Jones, a former addict, also insists that the moral hiprocrasy found among conservatives stem from an ongoing struggle with the nature of their humanity.  It doesn't get any better than this.  Wait, yes it does.  Jones says the struggle sends them to the street raging against sex in the media and exposed nipples.  And by night?   Well, they're cuddling up next to some Boob and Lube website getting their jollies.  I love this Pastor Brown!  Finally, a conservative who's pulling off his moral veil and seeing the sexy light.  Now I have a small issue with the pastor equating porn addiction with sin, but I'm going to let him work that out.  But at the end of the day all conservatives need is a good dose of guilt-free sexing and maybe the GOP can nab a somewhat digestable leader.

Keith Josef Adkins is an award-winning playwright, screenwriter and social commentator.