Anti-Defamation League Evacuated After Bomb Scare

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On Wednesday, the Anti-Defamation League received a bomb threat to its New York headquarters, a building that also houses the headquarters of Univision properties, including The Root, making this the latest in a recent series of threats against Jewish organizations.

“This is not the first time that ADL has been targeted,” Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL’s CEO, said in a statement viewed by The Atlantic. “It will not deter us in our efforts to combat anti-Semitism and hate against people of all races and religions.”


According to a different report in The Atlantic, in the last two months, 50 Jewish community centers in 26 states received death threats, and 170 Jewish cemetery graves were desecrated.


Greenblatt told The Atlantic that he was unsure if the bomb threat was connected to the recent spat of anti-Semitic threats, but added that the organization was working with authorities.


Read more at The Atlantic.