Anthony Weiner: Quit It!

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On the heels of a recent campaign video in which Anthony Weiner proclaims that "quit isn't the way we roll in New York City," Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart writes that scandal-plagued mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner is dangerously close to becoming the person that people in his hometown love to hate. Folks may not like quitters, but many also dislike those who don't know when to quit.

When I left for vacation last week, things were pretty bad for the once-high-flying and now floundering mayoral campaign of Anthony Weiner. "Carlos Danger" entered the annals of great names that could either be Bond villains or porn stars. And thanks to a couple of never-before-seen photos, we have now seen everything there is to see of Weiner — from every conceivable angle.

Today, Weiner is out with a campaign video that basically tells his detractors to take a hike.

"I know that there are newspaper editors and other politicians who say that 'boy I wish that guy Weiner would quit," Weiner  says. "They don’t know New York. They certainly don't know me. Quit isn't the way we roll in New York City. We fight through tough things. We are a tough city. There are people all over new york who get up in the morning with a pretty tough day ahead of them and they don’t quit." …

New Yorkers don’t like quitters. But they really don’t like folks who don’t know when to quit. Weiner is in danger of being that guy.

Read Jonathan Capehart's entire piece at the Washington Post.

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